Product Description
I could start by telling you about Twitter, and its 310 million users, but I am not going to because I don’t need to. On my very first day, sitting in a university classroom, studying online marketing, I remember my professor saying, ‘you need to understand. We are not digital marketing; we are marketing in a digital world.’ Everyone is on social media, and I don’t need to tell you this, because, well, everyone is on it. It is a self-evident, self-perpetuating truth okay, stay with me. I aim to teach you how Twitter can generate traffic for your website.
Within this package you will find the following modules:
Module 1 - Lead Magnet Report
Module 2 - Squeeze Page
Module 3 - Download Page
Module 4 - Professional Graphics Package
Module 5 - Email Series
Module 6 - Recommended Affiliate Products
Module 7 - Hybrid Cheatsheet
Module 8 - Twitter Tweets