Product Description

While there are quite a few marketing techniques and strategies out there that have been working since the Dark ages, with the advent of the Internet, things have shifted and changed dramatically. Cold calling and straight advertising are no longer the only or even the most effective way to do business.

Instead your prospects and customers are actively searching for information. More importantly, they are out there looking for solutions to their problems. You have a chance to meet them were they are, “warm them up”, and help them solve their problem while you’re making your pitch.

This process of meeting your prospects where they already are online, is what this report is all about Inbound Sales. It contrasts to outbound sales where you go out and “cold call” customers, trying to drum up business. Let’s use phone calls to illustrate the difference between inbound and outbound sales.

Within this product you will find the following modules:

Main Report
Mini Report
Quote Posters